Dyslexia and Innovation: How Dyslexia Supports Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship

Hader Ali

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Dyslexia, often called the ‘hidden disability’. Typically described as a learning difficulty affecting how individuals process information, particularly in the areas of reading, writing, and spelling. Although a disadvantage in traditional education. The unconventional thinking patterns of dyslexic individuals can be an advantage in today’s 21st century knowledge economy wherein problem-solving and creativity are invaluable assets. 

There are several academic and mainstream articles that are redefining dyslexia as a strength for innovation. This article delves into the symbiotic relationship between dyslexia and both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship, unravelling the distinctive strengths dyslexic individuals bring to the business realm. 

However, let us first define terms. Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up a business to scale. Entrepreneurs boost economic growth by introducing innovative technologies, products, and services. Intrapreneurship is acting like an entrepreneur within an organisation to drive bottom-up innovation. It is a method that can sustain long-term organisational growth and competitiveness. 

Both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are innovation methodologies, henceforth when innovation is motioned, it include both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship. 

People with dyslexia are highly likely to demonstrate the ability to:

  1. Emotional intelligence: Dyslexic individuals, with their heightened emotional intelligence and adept communication skills, contribute positively to innovation through effective stakeholder management, delegation, and fostering a collaborative environment.
  2. Creative thinking: Dyslexia’s unconventional thinking patterns and heightened creativity empower individuals to envision innovative solutions, fostering a unique perspective – crucial for innovation.
  3. Problem-solving: Dyslexia’s unique cognitive strengths, particularly in divergent thinking, empower individuals to excel in problem-solving, fostering innovation through unconventional approaches and novel solutions.
  4. Naturally curious: Dyslexic individuals, driven by an innate curiosity and a penchant for questioning, contribute positively to innovation by consistently seeking to understand and address the root cause of problems.
  5. Big picture thinking: Dyslexia drives innovation by empowering individuals to see the bigger picture, seamlessly synthesizing information from diverse domains for non-linear innovations.
  6. Resilience: Dyslexic individuals, having forged resilience through overcoming challenges in their youth, harness this tenacity to drive creative problem-solving and innovation.
  1. Emotional Intelligence

Dyslexic individuals showcase a profound strength in emotional intelligence and clear communication, making them valuable contributors to innovation. Their innate ability to understand and connect with others enables effective stakeholder management, fostering collaborative environments essential for innovative endeavors. When delegating tasks, dyslexics excel in recognizing and leveraging individual strengths, promoting a dynamic and efficient division of responsibilities within a team. Their communication skills, honed through navigating information strategically, translate into the capacity to convey complex ideas succinctly, benefiting interactions with stakeholders, team members, and collaborators. In the realm of innovation, where diverse perspectives are key, dyslexic individuals bring a unique blend of emotional intelligence, delegation prowess, and clear communication, fostering an environment conducive to creativity and problem-solving. Far from limitations, dyslexia emerge as a catalyst for positive attributes that significantly contribute to the intricacies of the innovation process.

  1. Creative Thinking

Dyslexia’s unique cognitive traits, marked by unconventional thinking patterns and heightened creativity, provide a distinct advantage for innovation. Dyslexic individuals excel in divergent thinking, effortlessly connecting disparate ideas and generating novel solutions. Their imaginative and intuitive nature enables them to envision possibilities others might overlook. This inherent creativity, honed through overcoming personal challenges, seamlessly translates into entrepreneurial endeavours. Dyslexic entrepreneurs possess an instinctive and efficient creative process, swiftly generating innovative ideas crucial for business success. Research from the University of Cambridge highlights dyslexia’s “enhanced abilities” in areas like discovery and invention, reinforcing the notion that dyslexic brains process information differently, fostering natural creativity, problem-solving skills, and a unique entrepreneurial perspective. In essence, dyslexics perceive and navigate the world through a lens of creativity, leveraging their skills to dream big, devise new solutions, and drive innovation beyond conventional boundaries.

  1. Problem-Solving

Dyslexia presents a compelling case for fostering innovation through its unique impact on problem-solving. Dyslexic individuals exhibit distinctive cognitive strengths that directly contribute to innovative thinking. Their brains process information differently, enhancing problem-solving skills essential for innovation. Dyslexics excel in divergent thinking, allowing them to generate a multitude of solutions to a given problem, showcasing fluency, flexibility, and originality. This divergent thinking is a cornerstone of creativity and innovation, enabling dyslexics to approach challenges from unconventional angles. Studies underscore dyslexia’s association with heightened abilities in divergent thinking, emphasizing the capacity to produce novel and unusual ideas. This cognitive style, divergent in nature, stands in contrast to convergent thinking and leads to unconventional, radical/disruptive solutions. Dyslexic brains, naturally inclined toward visualizing and reasoning through deductive, inductive, and abductive thinking, empowering individuals to navigate complex problems creatively. In essence, dyslexia’s impact on problem-solving transcends challenges, presenting a valuable cognitive framework that fuels innovative solutions and drives progress in various fields.

  1. Naturally Curious

Dyslexic individuals possess a natural inclination towards curiosity, an insatiable appetite for asking probing questions, and a deep-seated desire to understand the root causes of problems. This inherent curiosity becomes a powerful catalyst for innovation. Constantly seeking to unravel the intricacies of challenges, dyslexics approach problem-solving with a unique perspective. Their inquisitive nature prompts them to explore beyond surface-level issues, delving into the core of problems to unearth innovative solutions. This continuous questioning and exploration not only drive intellectual curiosity but also foster a mindset that thrives on uncovering novel insights. By embracing curiosity as a positive force, dyslexic individuals leverage their inquiring minds to propel innovation, introducing inventive ideas and problem-solving approaches that stem from a profound understanding of the fundamental issues at hand.

  1. Big Picture 

Dyslexia fuels innovation by enhancing holistic thinking, enabling individuals to grasp the bigger picture and synthesize information across diverse domains. Dyslexic individuals often exhibit a cognitive style that transcends conventional boundaries, allowing them to connect disparate concepts and extract overarching themes. This holistic approach facilitates a comprehensive understanding of complex issues, fostering innovative solutions that draw from varied fields. Their minds naturally navigate through interdisciplinary connections, promoting a synthesis of ideas that is essential for ground-breaking innovations. By transcending the limitations of compartmentalized thinking, dyslexics contribute a unique perspective to innovation, effortlessly weaving together insights from different domains. This ability to see the bigger picture and integrate information from various sources positions dyslexic individuals as valuable contributors to innovative endeavours, where a nuanced understanding of complex systems and interconnected ideas is paramount.

  1. Resilience

Dyslexic individuals exhibit exceptional resilience cultivated through overcoming challenges in their formative years. Having faced repeated failures in school, they developed a robust resilience to adversity. This resilience becomes a driving force, empowering them to navigate difficulties and persist in the face of setbacks. The early habit of innovating to overcome dyslexia-related barriers extends into adulthood, shaping their approach to problem-solving and creativity. Dyslexics’ ability to endure challenges during their youth instils a determination that proves invaluable in managing and surmounting obstacles in the innovation landscape. This innate resilience not only fuels their creative problem-solving but also positions them to thrive in the face of adversity, contributing significantly to their success in various endeavours.

In conclusion, dyslexia, often perceived as a hidden disability, emerges as a distinctive strength for innovation. Dyslexic individuals bring a set of unique cognitive traits, including creative thinking, problem-solving abilities, natural curiosity, big picture thinking, emotional intelligence, and exceptional resilience, all of which contribute significantly to the intricate processes of innovation. Rather than a limitation, dyslexia foster unconventional perspectives and approaches that are vital in today’s knowledge-driven economy, making dyslexic individual’s valuable contributors to entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial ventures. Their ability to navigate challenges, think creatively, and persevere positions dyslexics as catalysts for positive change and innovation. 

  1. Julie Logan, ‘Dyslexic Entrepreneurs: The Incidence; Their Coping Strategies and Their Business Skills’, Dyslexia 15, no. 4 (November 2009): 328–46, https://doi.org/10.1002/dys.388.
  2. Gabrielle Coppola, ‘Why Dyslexics Make Great Entrepreneurs’, Bloomberg Businessweek (Online), 2007, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2007-12-12/why-dyslexics-make-great-entrepreneursbusinessweek-business-news-stock-market-and-financial-advice?leadSource=uverify%20wall.
  3. The World Economic Forum, ‘People with Dyslexia Have “Enhanced Abilities”, According to a New Study’, The World Economic Forum, 2022, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/07/dyslexia-enhanced-abilities-studies/.
  4.  Helen Taylor and Martin David Vestergaard, ‘Developmental Dyslexia: Disorder or Specialization in Exploration?’, Frontiers in Psychology 13 (24 June 2022): 889245, https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.889245.

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